Tuesday, 27 December 2011

13 January, 1900 - 'The Face and Its Blemishes' by the New Doctor - Acne (Part One - The Condition)

The most important of all the blemishes of the complexion is undoubtedly acne. The cause of nearly all pimples and spots on the face, acne is an affection which gives trouble and annoyance to nearly everyone.

Acne is an affection of the sebaceous glands, and to fully understand its causes and treatment we must briefly review the functions of the sebaceous glands themselves.
By the side of each hair root, two small glands are situated. These glands secrete a thick oil, not unlike very thick cream in appearance. This oil, which is the natural grease of the hair, is necessary to maintain the hair in health, and to prevent it from splitting. the secretion is called sebum and the glands which secrete the sebum are called the sebaceous glands.

6 January, 1900 - Varieties - 'How She Signed the Cheque'

Because girls are stupid, LOL.

The other day a young lady, the daughter of a well-known millionaire, visited a jeweller's shop and selected a turquoise and diamond ring valued at fifty pounds. She made out her cheque for that sum and handed it to the assistant.

The alert young man glanced at it. "There is a mistake here, I think," said he, with an apologetic smile.

The young lady flushed and asked if the cheque was not the right amount. She was told it was, but:-

"But what?" she exclaimed haughtily. "Do you mean that my cheque is not acceptable?"

The assistant mildly acknowledged that he knew quite well who the young lady was, but explained that the cheque was not made out just as it should be, and he handed it back.

The girl ran her eye over it and then turned a deep crimson.

"Oh," she exclaimed, "I see!" And then she proceeded to make out another cheque.

She had signed the first one:- "Your own sweetheart, Jessie."