Thursday, 9 June 2016

31 July 1880 - Useful Hints

FIG PUDDING - One half-pound of figs, one half-pound of bread-crumbs, one half-pound of sugar, one half-pound of beef suet, three eggs. Remove the skin from the suet, chop it very finely, put it into a bowl, and, chopping the figs very finely, mix both together. Stir into this the bread-crumbs, beat in a separate bowl the eggs and sugar, mix this with the figs, suet, and bread-crumbs, and, greasing the interior of the mould, pour this into it, put on the cover, and plunging it into a large saucepan of boiling water, let it with its contents boil for two hours.

LEMON SAUCE - One lemon, six pieces of cut loaf sugar, one teacupful of cold water. Pare the rind from the lemon, and cut this into strips the size of a straw. Put these strips of lemon-rind into a small saucepan, together with the lumps of sugar, and, covering these with the cold water,  squeeze into the mixture the juice of the lemon. Put the saucepan over the fire, and stir the contents until boiling. When this takes place, cover the saucepan, and drawing it to one side of the fire, let all simmer slowly for twenty minutes. This sauce should be poured over the pudding with which it is served, in order that the straws of lemon-rind may garnish the top of the pudding.

LEMON CHEESE CAKES - Take 3 lemons - grating the rind and squeezing out the juice - 6 eggs, well whisked, and 1 pound of sifted or lump sugar. Put all into a jar, stand and boil in a pan of water till thick, stirring occasionally, for about three-quarters of an hour. Then cover and keep in a cool place.

LEMON SPONGE - One ounce of gelatine, one pint of water, two lemons, one half-pound of cut loaf sugar, whites of three eggs. Put the gelatine into a bowl, cover it with cold water, and let it soak for twenty minutes. At the end of this time add to it the rind of the lemons, squeeze over the lemon-juice, throw in the sugar, and pour all into a copper or porcelain-lined saucepan, place the saucepan over the fire, and stir its contents until boiling, after which it must be allowed to boil for two minutes. at the end of this time pour the mixture through a sieve into a bowl, and let it remain therein until cold, but not long enough to set. Beat the whites of eggs slightly, pour them into the mixture in the bowl, and stir all together, when all must be whisked until thick and white. Pour the sponge into a mould, stand it in a cool, dry place, and when "set," turn it out upon, and serve in, a crystal dessert dish.

WELCOME GUEST PUDDING - Eight ounces of bread-crumbs, one half-pint of milk, four ounces of beef suet, three ounces of citron, four ounces of sugar, rind of one lemon, one grain of salt. Place four ounces of the bread-crumbs in a bowl, and, bringing the milk to a boil, pour it over them. Cover the bowl with a plate, and allow the bread-crumbs to soak in the milk for ten minutes. While the bread-crumbs are soaking, pour over the almonds some boiling water to blanch them, and remove their skins. Remove the skin from the suet and chop it very finely, and chop the almonds. Stir into the bowl with the soaked bread-crumbs the four remaining ounces of crumbs, add to this the chopped suet and almonds, also the grated rind of lemon, together with the sugar and citron, cut into very small pieces. Separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs very carefully, drop the yolks one by one into the bowl, and stir all well together. Whip the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, adding the grain of salt. Mix this lightly with the other ingredients in the bowl, and, taking a quart mould, dry it thoroughly, greasing the interior with butter, pouring into it the mixture, and place securely over the top a greased sheet of kitchen paper. Place the mould, when filled, in a deep saucepan, containing enough water to reach halfway up the side, and let the pudding boil therein two hours. When done, the mould should be removed from the boiling water, allow two minutes for it to cool, and then turn the pudding out on the hot platter. This should be served with jam, or lemon sauce.

CHUTNEY - English chutney may be made thus: Take half-pound of mustard seed, half-pound of salt, half-pound of raisins (stoned), half-pound of brown sugar; six ounces of garlic, six ounces of cayenne pepper, one quart of gooseberries, one quart of the best vinegar. Dry and bruise the mustard, make a syrup of the sugar with half a pint of the vinegar, dry the gooseberries and boil in half a quart of the vinegar, and well bruise the garlic in a mortar. When cold, gradually mix and thoroughly amalgamate the whole in a mortar, and then tie down well. The longer preserved the better.

RICE CAKE - Four eggs, 1/2lb white sugar, pounded and sifted, - (this can be bought ready and is called castor sugar), 1/2lb rice flour, a teaspoonful of baking powder, and a few drops of essence of lemon or almond. Beat the eggs ten minutes, add the sugar and beat ten minutes more, then the flavouring and rice flour, first mixing the baking powder with the latter, and beat five minutes more. Bake in a well-buttered mould in a moderate heated oven. N.B. Always break each egg into a cup separately, and be sure it is perfectly sweet before mixing it with others. The smallest trace of taint or staleness will spoil the whole.

WASH FOR SORE MOUTH - 1 teaspoonful powdered borax, 1 dessertspoonful of glycerine, 1 dessertspoonful of tincture of myrrh. Dissolve borax in a little water, and mix it with the other ingredients in a four-ounce bottle. Fill up with pure water, shake well, and wash the mouth three times a day. The little white ulcers which are so painful in the mouth may be *just touched with a solid caustic pencil, and the mouth rinsed either with the above wash or with 1/2 a teaspoonful of tincture of myrrh, in a wine glass of water. Sometimes the ulcer may be cured by touching occasionally with pure tincture of myrrh, just in the centre.

ANOTHER WASH FOR SORE MOUTH - A teaspoonful of powdered borax, a tablespoonful of honey, and four oz of water, well mixed together. Hold in the mouth for a short time. These washes are not intended to be swallowed; but contain no injurious ingredients if a little should go down the throat.

NICE TEA CAKES - To two pounds of flour add two ounces of butter and two ounces of lard; mix them well together, then beat up four eggs to a light froth and add them to a pint of milk, with a teaspoonful of salt - pour this gradually on the flour and work it well for about eight or ten minutes. Cut the dough with a sharp knife, and roll it into thin cakes the size of a breakfast saucer. Bake them in a quick oven. Currants may be added if preferred.

The soles of boots may be made waterproof by melting a little bee's wax and mutton suet, and rubbing some slightly on the edges of the sole over the stitches.

WORSTED and lambswool stockings should not be mended with worsted or lambswool, as the new material will shrink more than the stockings, and render them short and shapeless. Soft cotton will be found better, unless the wool can be shrunk before using it.

TO CLEAN SILK - The following method has the advantage of not giving a cleaned appearance to the dresses so treated - Honey, 1/4lb; gin, 1/2 gill; soft soap, 1/4lb; boiling water, 1 1/2 pints, mix and allow to stand until blood warm. Spread the garment upon a table, on which a cloth has been previously placed. There must be no gathers. Dip a nail-brush into the mixture and rub the silk well in those places most soiled and spotted, then with a sponge to go over the whole breadth generally, rubbing gently. Then rinse the silk in cold water, hang it up to drain, and iron whilst damp. The quantity given is sufficient for a plain dress.

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