Sunday, 25 September 2016

22 January 1881 - Answers to Correspondents - Miscellaneous

BIZZILL tells us that she has 'often read of people being well up in the 'three R's" and wants to know what they are. "Reading, Riting, and Rithmetic." Bizzill's name is as droll as her question. We hope she will not copy the new spelling of the last two words. 2. The 10th of June, 1862, fell on a Tuesday.

PHLOB has chosen quite as inelegant a name as Miss Bizzill. Her use of a lead comb we do not think would do more harm than to soil both head and hair, and her bonnet, too. Her writing is free but much too large. 

POPPIE - The tax on a pony is according to height. We think it would be better to have a boy to attend to the pony. Your writing is shocking.

BEADS - We think you will find it quite impossible to continue washing your head every morning, nor would it be good for your hair to remain wet. Once a fortnight is quite often enough to wash the head.

MOURNER - You have our deepest sympathy in your sad bereavement. The loss of a sister is indeed a heavy sorrow, and  for the present we know by sad experience that no consolations are available. Friends can but weep, as our Blessed Lord did with the mourner. We are so glad to hear of your sister's pleasure in our paper and of her love for its pages, and we trust it may continue to visit and cheer you weekly with hopeful words of help and kindness.

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