Wednesday, 3 October 2012

29 January 1898 - Answers to Correspondents - Medical

MARJORIE:- Decidedly you suffer from dyspepsia, and a very troublesome form of that complaint. that you found "quinine and iron" made you worse we readily believe. We have given advice to many girls suffering the same way as yourself; and also we have published two articles dealing with the subject of "indigestion" and food. The first article was called "Indigestion" and appeared in the December part of THE GIRL'S OWN PAPER. The second, entitled "Food in Health and Sickness" appeared in the beginning of last year. The two papers will tell you almost everything you require. You should eat very little farinaceous food, and above all things avoid tea, coffee, potatoes, cheese and pastry.An alkaline stomachich taken before meals would relieve excessive acidity.

MEASLES:- You say that when you return home from a walk "a red rash comes out all over your face". We would like to have been told whether this occurs only during the winter or windy weather, or at all times of the year. You are quite right to wear a veil. You have used all the common applications, but we will suggest one which apparently you have not tried - "Lanoline", a fine white cream. Be careful about the soap you use.

STELLA:- As blisters in the feet are caused by illfitting boots, the first thing to do to get rid of them is to look to your footgear. To make the blisters heal if they have burst, wash your feet every morning and evening in warm water, and then thickly cover the raw places with powdered boracic acid. When you have raw places upon your feet, to whatever cause they may be due, wear white stockings and change them immediately they are soiled in the slightest degree.

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