Sunday, 21 October 2012

8 January 1898 - Hints on Home Nursing by M.D. Goldie

ICE is employed in various ways in illness as a remedy. The ice-bag is applied to the head in cases where there is severe pain, and to various parts of the body to reduce inflammation. If a proper bag is not at hand, a common bladder from the butcher may be used filled with ice broken up into small pieces, so as to lie on the part more comfortably; if a cork is placed in the centre it may be tied more securely. The ice-bag should be slung over the place so that the weight of the bag does not rest on the part, but just be in contact with it; a piece of folded flannel or lint should be placed under it so that the bag does not rest on the bare skin; it might cause gangrene without this precaution.

Ice is given to stop sickness, or in cases of haemorrhage from the lungs, a small piece is placed on the tongue frequently. Ice should be kept in large lumps if possible, and these ought to be wrapped in a flannel or blanket. When required to be kept by the bedside a piece of flannel is tied over a cup of basin, the ice resting in the centre, the water then runs, when melted, into a cup and prevents the ice from melting too quickly. A darning needle or bonnet pin is the best thing to break up the ice with, if a proper ice pick is not at hand.

IN CROUP place the child in a warm mustard bath. Give an emetic of one teaspoonful of vin ipecac in water, or if this is not at hand, an emetic of salt or mustard and water. After removing the child from the bath place in a warmed bed, and keep hot applications to the throat. If the spasm does not pass off put the child into a steam tent. See that the bowels are opened as soon as possible.

IN FAINTING FITS make the person lie down with the head lower than the rest of the body. Apply smelling salts to the nose, and throw cold water on the face. Allow plenty of fresh air, and see that the clothes are loosened.

 A TOURNIQUET is made by a bandage or handkerchief tied over the pad, with a reef knot and a stick thrust in under the knot and twisted round until firm pressure is obtained. N.B. A tourniquet is only a temporary remedy, and must not be left on indefinitely.

IN CASES OF HAEMORRHAGE until you can get a doctor's assistance, (1) Make the person lie down and raise the bleeding part above the level of the body, and keep it at perfect rest. (2) Press the point of the thumb directly over the bleeding part until you can get help. (3) Wash the part with cold water. (4) Notice if the bleeding is from arteries or veins. The bleeding is from an artery when it is a bright red colour, and flows out in a rush; when from veins the blood is a darker purplish ed colour, and it flows out in an even stream. Place a pad on the bleeding point, and fix with a tourniquet if necessary.

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