Tuesday, 5 April 2016

17 April 1880 - Answers to Correspondents - Miscellaneous

K.C. sends us no less than ten questions in one letter. None of these are commenced with a capital letter, nor a number, nor, indeed, is there a single stop in the whole epistle. The prize essay will probably be printed, and the water colour drawing must be an original work, not a copy. See answer to "Spring Flowers" in No.10 of the magazine. Write to the Grosvenor Gallery, and ask for its rules. As for your remaining questions, they are not of a character to be answered by us, as we do not act as agents to sell anything. We only give our readers suggestions which they must act upon and carry out themselves. Your letter is a deplorable specimen of bad writing, and ignorance of punctuation and grammar.

CAMPANELLA  - 1. Be quite easy in your mind about your being fat. How much better than being thin! If you had a fever you would have a fair better chance of your life for you would have something to waste from. The best wish that an Eastern friend could offer you would be to this effect - "May your shadow never be less." You might seriously injure your health, were you to try any artificial means of changing the roundness of form that nature gave you. 2. We thank you for offers of contributions, but have got an efficient staff.

CARMEN AND HELIOTROPE - We do not understand what you mean by asking us to advise you on the subject of "school behaviour". Wherever you are, conduct yourselves in a ladylike way; unassuming, gentle, pleasing, without any affectation of "airs and graces", and mannerism. Giggling and whispering are especially objectionable when in class. 2. There is nothing to prevent your both competing  for the essay prize, if you wish to do so.

NIL DESPERANDUM - The whole tone of your letter is highly objectionable, and your composition, spelling, and calligraphy need much correction, before you aspire to the publication of any of your "tales".

K.S. - We know of no one cure for low-spirits. We can only suggest that your digestion is out of order, or else that you need a tonic. A low state of body has much effect on the mind; and in this case you need higher living. Be much in the open air, associate frequently with young companions; and occupy yourself much, without over-fatigue.

FORGET-ME-NOT - 1. If you have "a bad ear" on no account "learn singing"; it will only be a sad waste of time, trouble and money, and prove a needless annoyance to others. 2. If you live in the country, once a month will be sufficiently often to wash your hair; supposing that you clean it well daily by means of brushing and combing  with a small-tooth comb, or else by using some good simple wash, nutritious and cleansing. 3. You do well to be in bed by 10 p.m. and to rise at 7 a.m. or 7.30 if delicate. 4. It is very likely that we shall have some articles about gardening, at a future time, in this magazine.

SUNNIE - As a headdress  for the character of "Night" we would suggest a black tulle scarf or veil, studded irregularly with steel beads, all small, but varying a little in size. It should be loosely and gracefully arranged, and caught together over the centre of the forehead by a silver brooch in the form of a crescent, to represent the new moon. A glance at the sky on a starlight night will show Sunnie why the beads should be attached at irregular intervals. There are so many little imitation silver ornaments used in millinery that she will find it quite easy to obtain her "moon." If however she should experience any difficulty, she might cut out a little crescent in silver paper and gum it to the tulle. Silver best represents the calm, soft moonlight; steel the glitter and sparkle of stars. A little bony wand surmounted b a larger crescent and carried in the hand, would be a pretty and characteristic addition.

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