Tuesday, 12 April 2016

24 April 1880 - Answers to Correspondents - Miscellaneous

CHARIS - Perhaps you are not aware that you are only one, out of some hundreds of correspondents, all equally anxious for replies; and moreover, that but one page in each week's paper is devoted to them. WE do not undertake to give answers by the "next week." Should you wish to make the life of Caroline Herschel, the subject of your Prize Essay, you may. Your question has been answered already.

TOPSY - Never attempt to remove moles. Warts may be destroyed by caustic. See article on "How to Look your Best."

LOTTIE - We advise you to go to college; both on the account of the wishes of your parents, and because it will be of great advantage to you, to complete your education. 2. In reference to the craze which appears to exist amongst young people to make themselves thin when nature intended them to be fat, we can only refer you to the answer just given to a fellow-sufferer, who calls herself "Ross". Besides, a lean teacher, or governess, is a very unattractive looking object to children. They are always supposed to be cross.

BERTHA ALICE - Your verses, though not poetry, evince a spirited nature and have a good wholesome ring about them. Perhaps, if you made composition a stud, you would be able to do better by and by. To this end, we could not recommend you a better instruction book than the "Handbook of the English Tongue" by Angus; published by the Religious Tract Society, 56, Paternoster Row. But to be a poet, you must produce original and beautiful ideas, apt similes, original thoughts, clothed in forcible language. It is not sufficient to express sensible views of life in a swinging sort of metre - jogging along like an old horse cantering to market, with a jingle of cart-bells about his neck.

ROSS - We are at a loss to understand why so many girls are demented on the subject of the natural plumpness which nature bestows on youth. It is a sign of health, unless your doctor have pronounced it to be dropsy in your particular case. And indeed, if you attempted to upset nature's arrangements and to use artificial means for making yourself a scarecrow, dropsy might be a very probable winding up of the little game. Your suggestion respecting the applicability of vinegar quite shocks us. You little know how ill you soon would be.

RUBY complains that "the skin of her face has been peeling for some weeks." This is certainly a distressing state of things. Try bathing in oatmeal gruel, very thinly made, and wear a veil when you go out. Always keep away from the fire.

PUSSY is "very much troubled with styes." We advise her to bathe them frequently with warm milk and water, and, if come to a head, she may get her mother to pass a wedding ring - or the smooth hoop of the under part of any gold ring - once or twice across them, to relieve them of the matter that has formed. It may be necessary to poultice them at night, with a warm application of white bread and water. They are usually the result of too poor living, bad air, thin blood, or impure water; and a doctor's advice - both as to the nature and removal of the cause and the cure by diet, and, perhaps a tonic - is much to be recommended. Whitlows are often produced as styes are; and need the same kind of treatment.

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